Sunday, January 11, 2009


I LOVE all of the RANDOM, smart, witty, funny things that Dakotah says and does....if I don't write them down then surely I will forget and they are just too precious to forget...

One of our favorite books is "I Love you More"'s a cute story of a mother and a son answering the question "Do you know how much I love you"?...with responses such as "I love you higher than the highest mountain and I love you bigger that the biggest bubble" we are driving along the other day and I ask Dakotah "do you know how much I love you"? and he says to me " YOU SAY IT" so I say " I love you brighter than the brightest sun" and he say's "I love you longer than the longest straw" we play this "game" every day and it melts my heart.....

Dakotah now know's his ABC'S so of course I have been asking him if he wants to say them for poeple....(I should know that my son does not like being a show monkey) I asked him last weekend if he wanted to say the ABC's for his cousin Sam and he goes thru them and gets to LMNO..and then says PISS and laughs his head off!!! LMNOPISS(I'm certain he doesn't even know what that word means ) I know, not technically FUNNY BUT coming out of the mouth of a tired, giddy 2 1/2 year old...IT'S FUNNY!!!

I LOVE that every time I tell Dakotah..."oh, mommy can't do that because (fill in the blank)....he says "WELL YOU BETTER TRY"!!!!! I guess we've taught him well.

Dakotah has taken to wanting to give people haircuts.....he was "giving me a haircut today" and he says "I'm giving you some color and cutting your hair like you do at work"..AH!!! my little man knows what mama does at work besides "make money"...

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